Friday, March 31, 2006

A Dangerous Woman Up to a Point

The amount of information Dan Bejar is willing to reveal about his work could never catch up to the amount of times Destroyer songs play in my head while I bike, walk, smoke, think, sit, and stare blankly.
That’s not a problem. But identifying with albums like this sometimes makes it difficult to be reasonable and just appreciate someone else’s art. The lyrics—more akin to their definition as short poems than as liner note filler—and all those arpeggios are too intimate. If only in their familiar narrative distance. Like novels I love, rereading them reinforces the feeling that they’re an addition to the guard that defends you from your own alienation. Theirs too I guess. Yes, intimacy...or maybe I’m just making too much of everything…
After a brief but unfortunate misstep in writing and production that takes listeners through a lesson in Destroyer drinking games, there’s actually a pretty okay interview with Dan Bejar here but a better one in The Fader where he talks about the “cabal of bloggers” dissecting his work.
I’m now officially one of those people. But if you only knew, like I do, what they were saying you’d be very forgiving of my own indulgence.


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